Candice Luper – Naturopathic Kinesiologist – DipASK HPD DipChyp NLP(Prac) AdvEFT
A holistic approach to healing which is guided by your own deepest wisdom and rooted in the power of nature

My name is Candice Luper. I am a naturopathic kinesiologist and hypnotherapist and I am passionate about every aspect of healing work. This is my vocation and nothing fulfills me more than to support people to overcome personal difficulties.
My way of working is unique in that I integrate the best elements from a variety of fields I’ve trained in, to provide a truly holistic approach to healing that addresses the physical, emotional, mental and energetic aspects of well-being, all from the comfort of your own home
Whether you’re experiencing chronic health issues, autoimmune disease, anxiety, depression, or are simply wanting to create positive changes in your life, I will support and guide you to feel well again.
I believe in using the power of nature for healing. By using food, herbs and supplements as medicine, removing harmful substances and pathogens that interfere with natural bodily processes and addressing the emotions and beliefs that keep you stuck, it’s absolutely possible for you to flourish again!

I know what it’s like to struggle with symptoms and conditions you have no answers for
Your doctor sent you for all the tests and offered prescriptions but can’t give you any clear answers as to what’s causing the problem or how to get better. You put your time, energy and money into trying different practitioners, diets, remedies and cleanses.
So far nothing seems to have worked.
You want to get to the root cause naturally. You believe in the power of food and herbs as medicine, but there is so much information out there you don’t even know where to begin. You know that your emotions, attitudes and beliefs also play a role, and you’re done with accepting a less than full life. You want health and wellness and you are looking for expert, no-nonsense guidance on how to get there.
I’m so glad you found me!

Naturopathic Kinesiology Takes the Guesswork Out of Healing
Your body has all the answers, and I will help you access them. Using muscle testing, I intuitively connect to your body’s innate intelligence and identify the quickest and most effective route to healing.
Here’s what I can do for you:
- Give you clarity on what exactly is causing your symptoms.
- Provide you with a personalised protocol of diet, herbs and supplements to address your specific needs.
- Work with you to resolve difficult emotions, traumas and conflicts, so that you can reconnect to your strength, self worth and confidence.
- Coach you to make any lifestyle changes as easily as possible so you can achieve long-term healing.
- Offer you a truly holistic approach that addresses your needs at a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level that is tailored to suit your lifestyle and your practical needs.
- Help you to stop wasting time and money on diets, herbs, health fads and supplements that do nothing for you. No more trial and error!
Prove your doctor WRONG. You CAN heal!
“Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise so I am changing myself”
A truly holistic approach to healing
As a Naturopathic Kinesiologist, I incorporate a wide range of treatment modalities to address all of your symptoms, complaints and difficulties and provide you with a truly holistic approach to healing:


Herbal medicine
Medical Medium protocols
Emotional Resolution
Belief Reprogramming
Spiritual Connection
Energy Balancing
“I had a fantastic kinesiology session with Candice. It was such an effective way to know exactly what my body needed. This was really specific to my needs. Candice is wonderful to work with also and so knowledgeable.”
A.J. Hertfordshire
What can I help you with?
I work with a wide spectrum of conditions so please get in touch to discuss your particular set of symptoms or difficulties.
- Allergies
- Autoimmune conditions
- Brain fog
- Chemical and food sensitivities
- Coaching and manifestation
- Confidence and self-esteem
- Coping with illness or disability
- Digestive disorders
- Emotions and trauma
- Fatigue
- Fears and phobias
- Habits and addictions
- Hearing loss and tinnitus
- Hormonal challenges and fertility
- Improving relationships
- Lymphatic and circulatory issues
- Mental health and mood
- Migraines and neurological symptoms
- Mystery symptoms
- Skin conditions
- Sleep issues
- Spiritual connection and development
- Managing pain
- Thyroid disease
- Viral and bacterial infections
- Weight and emotional eating
“Candice is fantastic. Her kinesiology sessions really gave me an insight into what I needed to do in order to help boost my immune system. She was able to identify what my body needed and then developed a plan of supplements and foods to help. She combines immense knowledge with a warm and welcoming vibe. I absolutely recommend her if you are looking for a way to naturally help and heal yourself.”
Amy – Hertfordshire
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There are so many things I do, I rarely even speak about or promote QHHT. Clients find me when they need me and it’s beautiful.
#qhhtpractitioner #qhhtuk #qhhtlondon #pastliferegression
We have been programmed to believe that weight gain is caused by eating too many calories or not burning the calories off with exercise, or hormones (which are blamed for everything right now!). Society has also normalised gaining weight with age as if it’s a natural part of getting older. Well it may be common but that doesn’t mean it’s natural.
When we find the root cause of the problem, rather than just starving ourselves of calories, we can address the cause and shift the weight permanently and without starving ourselves. Much of the time the problem lies with liver toxicity, food intolerances and pathogens.
I use naturopathic kinesiology to find out WHAT is the root cause and to provide a full protocol of diet, detox, supplementation and emotional work to get you back on the right track again and back to your ideal weight.
I work with clients all over the world online and from my clinic in St Albans.
Call now to schedule your free consultation.
Fed up with crumbly, dry, unpalatable gluten free bread? This recipe is the easiest medical medium compliant bread I’ve found.
This bread is gluten, dairy, fat, sugar, corn and yeast free. It does have psyllium in it which is essential for its springy and moist texture. Psyllium husks should only be eaten in small quantities so I have this bread every few weeks. You can reduce the psyllium husks by 1-2 tablespoons and replace with equal measure of ground flax seed if you are concerned about the psyllium. I found that worked ok though the texture wasn’t quite as nice.
Let me know how you like it!
#medicalmedium #medicalmediumpractitioner #thyroidhealing #autoimmunedisease #kinesiology #kinesiologyuk #medicalmediumuk #stalbanstherapy #stalbansbusinesses #healwithfood
This recording is designed to help you self soothe when you are having difficulty self regulating during or after an intense emotional experience. For people who have experienced chronic, ongoing stressful childhood characterised by abuse, criticism and neglect, you might find that you are easily triggered into a painful emotional state by outside circumstances or personal interactions with others.
Listen to this to help you return to your centre. I follow through a number of specific stages designed to help you exit the fight flight freeze mode. Listen to it as many times you need to.
#cptsd #petewalkercptsd #childhoodabuse
#fromsurvivingtothriving #anxiousattachment #traumasurvivors #disorganisedattachment #selflove
#emotionalregulation #emotionalmaturity
#anxiousattachmenthealing #youareloved #innerchildhealing #innerchildwork
10 minutes every morning is all it takes to align your energy with your heart, set your intentions, cultivate appreciation, connect spiritually and get yourself into a zone of love and kindness. This meditation and prayer recording helps guide you to remember that you are a powerful energetic creator and to use your focus more intentionally towards the manifestation of your desires, health, love, connection and joy.
Have you ever heard the word kinesiology but not had a clue what it meant or what the benefits of the therapy are? In this video I try to break down how it works, and why it’s the most amazing tool to help you get guidance on what you need to do to get back into alignment and heal your chronic health conditions or emotional injuries.
I explain how I use kinesiology to learn exactly what treatments are going to be the most effective for you.
As a Medical Medium inspired practitioner this intuitive form of energy testing helps me provide guidance on exactly what protocol is going to help you the most, taking out any guesswork and making sure everything you do is beneficial for you.
If there are any questions I’ve not answered in the video, please let me know and I’ll do my best to answer them in the chat or in future videos.
#medicalmedium #systematickinesiology #holistichealing #intuitivehealing #healinglifestyle #energymedicine #energymedicinepractitioner #medicalmediumpractitioner #chronicillness #chronicfatiguesyndrome #autoimmunehealing
Aim for 2 pounds, that’s almost 2 kg of leafy greens such as spinach every day. The bio available mineral salts and proteins are essential for restoring your endocrine system and supporting every organ in the body.
Leafy greens such as spinach are best consumed raw so focus on bringing them in more to salads, juices and smoothies wherever possible.
#détox #medicalmedium #plantsheal #detoxyourlife #cleansetoheal #medicalmediumsimplified
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