Why the need for heavy metal detoxification?
Heavy metals wreak havoc on the body. They are associated with ADHD, ADD, focus and concentration problems such as brain fog, irritation, frustration, SIBO, urinary tract infections, sinus infections, acne, fatigue, migraines, spasms, twitches, anxiety, depression and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). What’s more, the presence of high heavy metal toxicity feeds viruses and can increase sensitivity to mold and allergens. Alzheimer’s and dementia are caused by mercury combining with other metals in the body to create alloys. And then there are all the children on the autistic spectrum.
Back when I was a wee lass I studied Environmental studies at University because I was interested in diving deep into the effects of pollution on health. I had visions of going out with testing equipment and measuring chemicals in the environment. Today I don’t do that but I do test peoples bodies for toxicity and help them detox those problem chemicals out. There are absolutely loads of research papers on this. None of this information is controversial, yet no-one is confronting it, because we like to think if we can’t see it, it cant harm us. The symptoms of heavy metal build up (e.g. dementia) are thought of as a normal part of life.
Mad-hatters and Mercury Quackery
Heavy metal toxicity is not a new problem. We’ve been accumulating metals in our bodies since they first started being mined thousands of years ago.
Mercury was used as a natural medicine in China and USA for longevity throughout the 1700’s and 1800’s. A mercury tonic was given for most complaints in the form of Quicksilver. The funny thing was that the patient would go insane for about a week so I’m not quite sure what they thought was happening there! maybe they thought it was some sort of religious healing experience (gone wrong)!
Anyway, people started catching on that this mercury solution was not healing anyone. People stopped going to doctors. Whats interesting is that the term at the time was to ‘get quacked’ by a doctor. Later we see how the medical system tried to save itself by creating adverts to say that the new homeopaths and natural healers that were emerging at the end of the 1800’s were quacks. A few generations later everyone forgot history.
How did they not notice that the men working in the mercury mines died within months, or at best a few years? Or that the hat makers (mad hatters) were all dying within a few years? Hat makers dipped the hats in a mercury solution. The exposure to mercury would make them go crazy. It would also be harmful to all those ladies and gentlemen who hat to wear hats every day to look ‘civilized’. Add to that the arsenic face powder our grandmothers wore and it was a recipe for disaster. It’s no wonder people didn’t live past 40!
Today we have heavy metals in medication, dentistry, pesticides, fish, make-up, cosmetics, cooking equipment, implants, hair-dyes light bulbs, and off course, the air, rain, water and soil.
21st Century Heavy Metalers
The problem is that these metals build up in our systems and are passed down to our children and through the generations. They build up and become more toxic as they oxidise and methylate. Different metals, form different alloys and are stored in different parts of the brain (or body) and so we experience different problems. While the symptoms are different the cause is the same – epic levels of metal accumulation in our bodies and brains.
This generation is becoming more intolerant as we reach a tipping point in our ability to handle them. Our neurotransmitters are being damaged and short-circuited and the electrical impulses are getting burned out in our brains. If we want to improve our health and give our unborn children the best start in life we need to start pulling these metals out. This is fixable and we can work on cleaning up our systems.
How I Can Help
If heavy metals show up for my clients when I am testing them, I will develop a personalised detoxification protocol for them that will safely chelate metals out of their system. Using Kinesiology I test the body to make sure all products can be tolerated by the body and I work out the dosages that are needed. Normally this will form part of a wider protocol.
Please don’t rush out and get your amalgams removed if you have chronic illness as the mercury freed up could cause you more problems. If you are in excellent health then find a mercury-safe dentist and have just one taken out at a time. I can give recommendations of dentists I know who are extremely careful. It is worth doing the heavy metal protocol at the same time to mop up any mercury which is released.
Anthony William Heavy Metal Detox
If you are a client of mine I will work with you to establish a protocol that works for you. This will include detox supplements, diet and also looking at other sources of metal intake. For women this is often through make-up and cosmetics. I can test your make=up for you using kinesiology to ensure there is no toxic metal contamination.
You should know by now that I am the biggest fan of Anthony William and follow his advice on heavy metal chelation. Anthony says that the most powerful way to remove heavy metals from the body is to take the following 5 items together each day, ideally in a smoothie.
Links to specific products available in the UK and Europe are available here.
- Barley grass juice powder – removes metals from spleen, pancreas, thyroid, reproductive system
- Coriander
- Hawaiian Spirulina – far better than chlorella which is clumsy in its ability to carry metals out of the body
- Frozen (or dried) wild blueberries – most powerful food to remove mercury, fills up problem areas caused by oxidation, repairs tissues.
- Atlantic Dulse – picks up metals like a sponge, without dropping them
Eat a little garlic on that same day (not in the smoothie!).
Other herbs and supplements that can help:
- Red marine algae
- Phytoplankton
- Glutathione
- Vitamin C
- Dandelion
- Burdock root
Anthony’s Smoothie recipe:
2 bananas, 2 cups wild blueberries, 1 c. cilantro, 1 c. orange juice (with no preservatives) with 1 tsp BGJP, 1 tsp spirulina, 1 small handful of atlantic dulse. Add up to a cup of water, coconut water or orange juice to thin to desired consistency.
If you feel you would like some help working out your heavy metal protocol or dealing with other symptoms, feel free to contact me and we can talk about how I may be able to help you. I am a Systematic Kinesiologist, Nutritional Therapist and Cognitive and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist working in St Albans and London UK.

Contact me today to arrange your free no-strings 20 minute consultation
Call: (0044) 07956 808565
Email: info@candiceluper.com
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