Foods to avoid whilst healing
When working with a client it is always important to establish which foods are going to support or hinder their healing, according to their current situation and health status. Most people come to come to me when they are dealing with quite troubling symptoms or conditions, and so it’s is usually the case that dietary modification is necessary.
Below is a summary of the key food ingredients I recommend eliminating or avoiding wherever possible, to promote your body’s healing abilities. This is in addition to any foods that we have found you to be intolerant to in our kinesiology session. The information originates from Anthony William, author of the books Medical Medium, Life Changing Foods, Thyroid Healing and Liver Rescue. I highly recommend these books if you are on a healing journey.
Even if you are feeling as though you are in good health, with no worrying symptoms, it’s always a good idea to eat as well as you can, staying informed of new information, so that you can keep yourself in optimum health and prevent against future health problems.
Off course it will also be important to replace these no foods with a wide variety of nourishing fruits, vegetables, pulses and some grains if that is appropriate for you. To find out what foods are GOOD for you I recommend the book Life Changing Foods which provides information on the medicinal value of a wide range of fruits, vegetables and herbs.
Vegetable oils in general are not great because the high temperatures and chemicals involved in the process of refining them turns them into trans-fats. These trans-fats are hazardous to health. Avoid vegetable oils wherever possible. Fasts foods and processed foods will either by cooked with vegetable or rapeseed oil.

Rapeseed oil is particularly harmful since it is has a toxic and abrasive effect on the linings of the internal organs such as along the digestive tract. When in the bloodstream it destroys artery and vein linings as well as kidneys, bladder and uterus, when urinating it out. It causes inflammation, suppresses the reproductive system, feeds cysts and wears down the digestive system.
According to Anthony William, because of cross pollination, all Rapeseed Oil is genetically modified. Always read the ingredients as rapeseed oil, otherwise called Canola Oil in USA, is in an increasing number of health-food products like crisps and humus. When eating out it is highly probable that the olive oil and dressings are mixed with rapeseed oil to reduce costs, particularly in USA. Take your own dressing or ask for an alternative.
The best oil to cook with is coconut oil. You can enjoy unrefined olive oil or avocado oil cold. A small amount of sunflower oil is okay. Be aware that if you are healing from chronic illness, keeping your fat intake as low as possible is going to be an important factor in your recovery.
Eggs were once a perfect food. They are nutritious and if you have no chronic illnesses and no symptoms or conditions that you are trying to heal from, then choose home-grown organic eggs, cooked with coconut oil instead of butter.
If you are healing from illness or mystery symptoms that you wish to overcome, then it’s best to eliminate eggs from your diet. This is because eggs feed the herpetic viruses (e.g. EBV) and bacteria (e.g. Strep) that are at the heart of most chronic illnesses. Eggs feed cysts, tumors, viruses, bacteria and cancer. They are used in labs to grow bacteria and viral cultures in the first place.
Anthony says that even one egg a month is enough to keep a bacterial infection such as Strep alive.
There are a variety of effective egg replacements that you can use in baking such as flax eggs and Aquafaba, which is the juice from tinned chick peas.
Most people are intolerant to dairy these days as it causes many health issues. If you have any type of condition you are healing from then it’s best to eliminate dairy from your diet. Often chicken will need to go to because this creates similar problems.
Just like with eggs, dairy products feed bugs, cysts, tumors and pathogens. It can confuse sensitive reproductive systems. If you are healing from chronic illness, its best to cut all dairy out of your diet.
Yes dairy products have nutritional value but they are not medicinal and you can obtain these nutrients from a healthy balanced vegan diet.
Milk can be replaced with coconut, almond, oat or cashew milk. Look for the purest brands with little extra ingredients such as sweeteners or added vitamins. It’s very easy to make your own in a blender.
Many suppliers are now selling tasty cheeses made from nuts or coconut milk. You might even try making your own. Just be careful you don’t overdo it because you will need to keep your fat intake low so as to help your liver and keep your blood clean.
Gluten is found in wheat, barley, rye and spelt. There can also be cross-contamination of gluten with oats during processing so choose gluten-free oats to be sure. Gluten contains allergens and proteins that can trigger a variety of conditions. They create inflammation in the intestinal tract and bowels and can confuse the immune system.
For some poeple it will be necessary to cut out all grains altogether whilst clearing out specific viruses or bacteria.
Whilst I think pigs are very cute, they are not for eating, especially if you have a chronic illness or mystery symptoms you are dealing with. It seems our biblical ancestors were onto something when they advised against eating pork. Pigs are considered the scavengers of the farm, often eating anything they can find. This includes bugs, insects, and whatever leftover scraps they find lying around, and also their own faeces or carcasses of sick animals, including their own young. Dr Axe says that pig farmers have got eaten by their pigs in the past!
The pig’s digestive system operates rather basically, which means that many of these toxins remain in their system to be stored in their fatty tissues ready for our consumption. Anthony says that pigs are also the primary carriers of parasites and viruses which can lead to serious health problems in humans.
Pork is high fat and thickens the blood for at least 6-8 hours. It starves the reproductive system of oxygen.
Keep it out while you are trying to heal – especially for fertility, heart, liver and skin conditions. Pork products include ham, bacon, gammon, lard and often as gelatin in supplements (can also be beef) etc.
MSG, Natural Flavouring, Artificial Flavouring and Sweeteners
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavour enhancer that is added to thousands of food products. The problem with MSG is that it is inflammatory. It builds up in the brain and over-excites cells to the point of damage or death, ultimately affecting the natural flow of electrical signals.
Food manufacturers do not need to label ingredients that contain free glutamic acid, even though it’s the main component of MSG. As a result, we don’t know when we are eating it. Shock horror, who would have thought MSG would be a component of the following ingredients!
– Natural flavourings
– Whey protein – creates inflammation. Alternatives include flax, hemp, or chia seeds.
– Yeast flakes (e.g. Engevita)
– Carrogeen
– Balsamic vinegar (use apple cider vinegar instead – in moderation).
– Malt Extract and yeast extract
– Bouillon
Stay away from these flavouring and sweeteners. Even if they are labelled as natural they aren’t necessarily. Artificial sweeteners act as neurotoxins, disrupting the neurological system over time. By sticking to a whole, fresh foods diet, you can pretty much guarantee that you’ll avoid these chemicals and toxins.
Farmed fish are fed lots of anti-parasitical, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial medication because of the abundant parasitic and fungal growth in the water they are farmed in. These can then affect the immune system of the person consuming them. Farmed fish has been shown to contain PCB’s and other carcinogens such as dioxins, toxaphene and dieldrin (banned pesticide). These industrial chemicals can affect fertility and reproductive health among other things. When I studied Environmental Studies at University it was my special interest to look at the effect of these chemicals on fish. It was commonplace to see male fish, in rivers even close to where I live, develop female genitalia from these oestrogenic chemicals. It’s a worry what they may do to us.
Look for wild fish where possible but again, be mindful of fat content and that wild fish also generally have heavy metals and plastics within them.
Anthony says that all corn is now genetically modified due to wind contamination, even if it is listed as organic or non-GMO. Now whilst humans have been modifying crops for many thousands of years, and corn has been a staple in our diets, this new wave of modification by Monsanto (Bayer) so that they contain proteins that kill the insects that eat them, have not been unequivocally proven safe for consumption. I haven’t conducted a full review of the science but there is sufficient research out there to raise some concerns. This article claims that 80% of corn and soya beans are now GM.
Anthony says that maize and corn feeds bacteria and causes problems in particular for people with cysts and strep. It irritates the Ileocecal valve which sits between the small and large intestine.
Corn is hidden in a wide range of products. Look out for corn, modified maize, cornmeal, corn starch, corn flakes, polenta, high fructose corn syrup (not always labelled as such), dexrose, maltodextrose, dextrins, fructose and sorbitol.
Anthony says that Beet sugar is also now made from genetically modified beetroots. He suggests eating organic beetroots for eating. If you want better sweeteners, choose raw honey, a little bit of cane sugar, maple sugar and agave.
The Citric Acid that is found in foodstuffs is not the same as what comes out of citrus fruits, this stuff is usually made from corn. Anthony says compared to other additives outlined above, this is not the worst but he does say that it is very irritating to the linings of the stomach and the intestinal tract, so it can create a lot of inflammation and discomfort if you’re sensitive to it.
Avoid soy and soy products including soybeans, edame, soy sauce, textured vegetable protein, soy protein powder, artificial meat products, tofu and soy milk. Many vegan products are now made from soya. Soya sadly has a similar fate to corn. It has been largely been modified so definitely cut back. Anthony says the odd bit of clean, organic tofu or tempeh is okay.
Take one step at a time. If you need inspiration for what you can eat and recipe ideas, i have plenty at my Pinterest Page here.

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