The Amazing Medicinal Benefits of Celery Juice
If you know me then you’ll know that I am an all-singing, all-dancing, promoter of Celery Juice. As a client, you will have been told on many occasions that Celery Juice needs to be included to your daily routine. If you are a friend then I may have been nagging you for years.
Celery, the vegetable that most of us could have happily lived without, has actually been hiding some fascinating medicinal benefits. Anthony William, shares all in his book Celery Juice – The Most Powerful Medicine of our Time.
Below I will share with you the 19 key medicinal benefits of drinking Celery Juice regularly – so that you don’t dismiss this as a passing health fad and go back to your morning coffee.
Whilst Celery Juice is a crucial part of healing for those with chronic illness or mystery symptoms, everyone can benefit from being proactive with their health. Toxins, pathogens and poor dietary choices are at the root of all illness and no-one on this planet is completely protected from the consequences. By detoxifying your body before symptoms arise, you can proactively begin your healing journey and prevent illness later.
What can Celery Juice do for you?
- Neutralizes and removes heavy metals and the by-products of their oxidation, out of the brain and organs. (Most people have an issue with high heavy metal loading or poisoning).
- Neutralizes and flushes away the lethal concoction of chemicals which most of us store in our bodies. This includes medicines, pesticides, herbicides, solvents, petrochemicals etc etc.
- Enhances the entire immune system, killing pathogens, breaking down viral membranes, weakening bacteria, destroying dangerous varieties of fungus and excreting them out through blood, urine and gut.
- Slows down the destruction of brain cells and assists in the production of new ones. (It restores and strengthens neurons and neurotransmitters, so that electricity in the brain flows more dynamically, helping with the development of healthier thought patterns as well as faster healing of emotional wounds).
- Reinvigorates the skin from within – a much more reliable way to improve skin tone than any cream you could buy.
- Stabilizes the liver and it’s internal immune system, so that it can continue to protect you. The liver is the root of health!
- Soothes, balances and reinvigorates the adrenals, which can become overactive or depleted, through stress, trauma or a fast-paced lifestyle.
- Neutralises adrenaline – a potent toxin to the body.
- Replenishes stomach acid and gastric juices, which are depleted in many people due to our diet and lifestyles.
- Reduces intestinal inflammation which causes issues such as constipation, diarrhea and bloating. The cluster salts and enzymes break down mucous, hardened fats and sludge accumulated in the intestines and helps to re-establish the inner lining of the intestines.
- Dissolves hardened fats in artery linings, which contribute to heart disease.
- Is rich in cluster salts and vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and contain a bio-available zinc which helps to restore the liver.
- Opens cells to receive glucose, which is important for balancing blood sugar.
- Provides complete activated living electrolytes, which bring about energy and a calm mood, and minimizes addictive impulses.
- Hydrates and alkalizes your body. (Most of us are chronically dehydrated)
- Cleans up your Vagus Nerve, dusting off pollutants and toxins, especially those produced by Epstein Barr Virus. This is particularly important for those who have chronic nerve pain as well as neurological issues.
- Supports every endocrine gland to balance your hormones.
- Revive and restore the eyes’ immune system, dusting off viral neurotoxins from the optic nerve and helping to heal or prevent further eye degeneration.
How you can consume Celery juice for it’s maximum benefit
You should drink Celery Juice on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. If you are on a healing protocol for chronic illness then it is possible you may also be drinking it in the evening. I will provide guidance on what your body will respond best to.
Buy organic celery wherever possible to reduce your pesticide intake. If you use non-organic celery, wash it thoroughly.
Do not mix it with anything. No apples, carrots, ginger…just pure celery juice.
Don’t consume anything else 20 mins before or 20 mins after.
After it has been through the juicer, strain it with a sieve to remove as much fibre as possible.
Drink it daily to achieve the above results. It takes time for Celery Juice to get deep into the nooks and crannies of your system and root out baddies.
What juicer to use?
It’s best to use a slow press, masticating juicer as these don’t destroy any nutrients with heat. A great juicer, available in the UK, is the Omega J8007S 5th Generation Nutrition Center . Omega really are the go-to brand if you are on a long-term health kick. They come with a 15 year warranty, are easy to clean and help you get much more juice out of your produce than cheaper brands. Other brands, such as Oscar, are also well loved. I suggest a horizontal juicer as the smaller filter is quick to clean.
If you have a limited budget, there are far cheaper and adequate alternatives. The Aicok cold press masticating juicer served me well for a few years. It’s low priced, sturdy and easy to clean. This one by Picburn is even cheaper.
If you can’t get your hands on a juicer, you can use a blender and press the blended celery through a sieve to extract the juice.
How much should you drink?
You need to drink at least 16 oz regularly to get the above benefits. For more serious symptoms and issues you may need to work upwards to 32 oz per day. Very occasionally we may even take you up to 64 oz!
Get yourself a Measuring Jug to make sure you are getting enough.
Drink it straight after making it, as some potency is lost over time through oxidation.
What does it taste like?
Celery juice can be bitter or it can be creamy, depending on where it is grown and mineral content in the soil.
Stick with it. If you absolutely can’t bear the taste, you can add a teeny tiny piece of apple for sweetness. Then you can gradually move onto consuming it pure.
Possible reactions
If you have an instant reaction, just go slowly. It is likely creating a stir within you as a result of it’s detoxification action. Reduce the amount and gradually build up.
Can your kids drink celery juice?
Absolutely! Celery Juice is hugely beneficial to kids – building their immune system, protecting them against pathogens and helping to gently ease out accumulated or inherited toxins before they get embedded deeper in the body. They will need to drink far smaller amounts than adults. As a guide, a 7-10 year old would need to drink around half the adult portion to get the benefits (eg. 8-10 oz). A 1 year old on the other hand would only drink around 2 oz.
Use as part of a wider healing protocol
You should consume Celery Juice as part of a balanced healthy diet and lifestyle. Increase the quantity and variety of fruits and vegetables you consume, eliminate inflammatory and pathogen feeding foods and keep fat and protein consumption low. I can help you to establish a complete protocol, using muscle testing to find out what your body needs. Get in touch for a free 20 minute consultation to see how I can help,

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